HUCTW Statement of Support for a Fair Raise

To sign the statement, please fill in the very short form below. Once we have at least 2000 signatures, the statement and all signatures gathered will be delivered to Harvard negotiators and administrators. If you already signed during one of the visibility events, you don’t need to sign again. Thank you for your support!


“We, the undersigned, strongly support HUCTW negotiations. We believe that honest, constructive, and respectful negotiation is the best way to build a great workplace and a strong university. As vital community members who work to advance Harvard’s mission, we deserve salaries which allow us to keep up with the cost of living and make financial progress. We call upon senior leaders to negotiate fairly and expeditiously for the salary increases we need.”

Sign the Statement:

  • (1) YOUR NAME (required):

  • (2) YOUR HARVARD AFFILIATION (check all that apply):

  • (3) YOUR HARVARD SCHOOL OR DEPARTMENT (if applicable):

    If you are on a computer, use your mouse or touchpad to sign. If you are on a smartphone, use your finger. Even if you are unable to sign in this field, you should still hit "Submit" on this form to add your name to the statement. Thank you!