• Member Benefits
    HUCTW and Harvard University Employee Credit Union (HUECU) offer 0% interest loans of up to $3,500 to help members with the initial costs of renting a new home, including costs such as first and last month's rent or moving trucks. We also offer loans for home buyers for moving expenses.
  • Compensation
    Have you taken on significant new responsibilities in your job? You might be eligible for extra compensation or a job reclassification. Check out our new contact language around extra comp and reach out to your HUCTW organizer for confidential advice on how to move forward!
  • Flexibility in the Workplace
    Having difficulty negotiating a hybrid or remote work schedule? Check out our new contract langauge around remote work and flexiblity and reach out to an HUCTW for confidential advice.
  • Loan Programs
    If you experience storm damage to your home or other home emergencies, you are likely eligible for a 0% interest loan of up to $3,500 for emergency repairs through our HUCTW-HUECU 0% interest loan programs!

Featured Content

HUCTW Solidarity

Black Lives Matter

HUCTW stands in solidarity with protesters in the urgent fight for racial justice, equality, and human rights. As human beings, and as advocates for economic and social justice, we must commit to the eradication of racism in our communities, our country, and the wider world.

News & Events

Important Reimbursement Deadline: March 31

Important Reimbursement Deadline: March 31

March 31, 2024 is an important deadline for three reimbursement programs open to HUCTW members: (1) Copay Reimbursement (2) Fitness Reimbursement (3) Dependent Care & Healthcare FSA Reimbursement. These programs assist members with expenses incurred during the previous (2023) calendar year. Please see more details on each program below.

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Negotiating Remote Work Arrangements

Negotiating Remote Work Arrangements

Harvard and HUCTW have longstanding contract language that supports remote work and flex schedule arrangements, and we recently added new, stronger language in our last round of negotiations--all of which may be useful in your discussions with your supervisor around remote/hybrid work. A key theme of the contract language is the idea that flexible work requests (including remote work requests) cannot be unreasonably denied. We’ve shared some key excerpts from the contract here. If you would like advice about making a remote work proposal or if you have made a proposal and it’s been rejected, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a confidential conversation.

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Extra Compensation for Extra Work

Extra Compensation for Extra Work

Many HUCTW members took on substantial additional work during the pandemic, covering for coworkers who left Harvard whose positions were never filled. Union members who take on substantial additional work on top of their regular job duties should be paid for that work, and our Harvard-HUCTW Contract contains longstanding language that supports this idea. HUCTW organizers know that it can be challenging for you initiate this kind of conversation with your manager, but we can help. All conversations are confidential.

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HUCTW 2023 Winter Newsletter

HUCTW 2023 Winter Newsletter

Please click here to view the HUCTW 2023 Winter Newsletter, which highlights our current negotiations around Harvard's dental insurance change, positive new changes for HUCTW commuter rail users, upcoming events and deadlines, and time reporting instructions for those who work over the Winter Recess. We have been meeting with University leaders about the dental insurance change and we are committed to continuing discussions until a solution can be found that addresses the provider/cost issues appropriately so that members can continue to receive affordable care from dentists they trust. You can read more about these discussions in the newsletter.

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Over 30 Years of Solidarity

HUCTW is approximately five-thousand Harvard employees of diverse backgrounds, ages, talents, and opinions. Our work supports the teaching and research at Harvard, in libraries and museums, in labs, in offices, and out in the world. Some of us are on our way to graduate school; others of us are making our careers here. We are parents, artists, students, and more. Although we may hold different views and speak in many voices, we speak together as a Union for the things that matter to us: pay and benefits, and also flexibility, work-life balance, and self-determination in the workplace.

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