HUCTW Election Basics

The Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers (AFSCME 3650) holds its elections in accordance with, and subject to, regulations from its parent union, The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME); the AFL-CIO; and the Department of Labor, in its role enforcing the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) of 1959.

  • We hold two kinds of elections: (1) Regular Annual Elections with contested candidates, typically held in December, and (2) Special Elections, such as contract ratification voting, scheduled as needed (scroll down for more details about both types of elections).
  • The number of Union Representative/Executive Board seats is determined by the number of bargaining unit members in that area/region (respectively) at the time the election is announced in the official Notice Of Election.
  • Only signed HUCTW members may vote. However, unsigned bargaining unit staff ALWAYS receive the official combined Notice of Election/Notice of Nomination, which includes instructions on becoming an eligible voter.
  • Candidates for elected office must be HUCTW members in good standing at the time of nomination.
  • All HUCTW elections are won on a simple majority.

Regular Annual Elections

Regular Annual Elections are for regional/local representative seats (Executive Board Member; Union Rep), as well as campus-wide Union Officer seats (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary). These elections typically take place in December.

  • Campus-Wide Union Officers – elected by full membership; 3-year term
  • President: Presides at all HUCTW and Executive Board meetings, is a member of all internal Union committees, and serves as a member of the University Joint Council.
  • Vice-President: Assists the President in the work of the HUCTW, in the absence of the President, presides at all meetings and performs all duties otherwise performed by the President.
  • Recording Secretary: Keeps a record of the proceedings of all membership meetings and all Executive Board meetings, carries on the official correspondence of HUCTW.
  • Secretary-Treasurer: Receives and records all monies of HUCTW, prepares and signs checks for such purposes as are required by the Constitution or are authorized by the membership or the Executive Board, maintains and reports the finances of HUCTW in accordance with the AFSCME International Union Constitution.
  • Regional Representatives to the Executive Board – elected by Region; 2-yr term. The Executive Board is responsible for all matters affecting the policies, aims and means of accomplishing the purposes of HUCTW not specifically provided for in the By-Laws or by action of the membership at a membership meeting. Executive Board Representatives are elected to a two (2) year term. Each representative represents one of the five regions of the campus: (1) FAS Arts Region (2) FAS Sciences Region (3) Central Administration Region (4) Medical Region (5) Professional Region.
  • Local Union Representatives – elected by Unit or Department; 1-yr term. According to the HUCTW By-Laws, Union Representatives are elected to a one-year term by unit or department, about “one representative for every 35 employees.” Local Union Representatives will serve as a source of information for coworkers and can be a first contact for coworkers with questions or problems. The HUCTW office provides training for new Local Union Representatives.

Special Elections

Special Elections include Contract Ratification voting; the election of representatives to HUCTW’s Contract Negotiating Team as needed; and other elections or votes for which the need may arise.

Important Note on Voter Outreach versus Campaigning

HUCTW uses both quantitative data (past voter turnout) and qualitative data (organizing, member input) to maximize turnout for all elections. However, it is important to note that in contested candidate elections (i.e., non-ratification voting) any targeted elections outreach could potentially benefit one candidate over another. For this reason, the Elections Committee is forbidden from any and all targeted outreach during an active regular (contested candidate) election. That is the province of candidates and their campaigns.

For further information regarding elections, please contact