HUCTW Rally for a Fair Raise on December 13


Text version of invitation below

HUCTW Rally for a Fair Raise on December 13

On Tuesday, December 13, let’s rally together for a fair contract with strong raises that allow us to keep up with rising costs!HUCTW members have gone above and beyond to keep the University thriving (now and throughout the pandemic) and yet the University’s raise proposals for HUCTW members still don’t come close to keeping up with inflation!  On December 13, let’s rally together in front of Lehman Hall to let Harvard know that we need and deserve a strong contract now, with raises that provide real inflation protection!TUESDAY DECEMBER 13HUCTW Rally in front of Lehman Hall (inside Harvard Yard, acrossthe street from the Smith Center)12:15pm – 1:00pmMake or download posters to bring to the event: grab one at the rally!Invitation is also on HUCTW website: you!HUCTW