

Negotiating a Flexible Schedule

Negotiating a Flexible Schedule

Many HUCTW staff members across Harvard negotiate flexible work arrangements with their supervisors. This is supported by the Harvard-HUCTW contract. On the following page, you will find our contract language on flexibility in the workplace, including examples of flex schedules at Harvard. You'll also find the language on unpaid meal time (which some members use to create a flexible schedule). HUCTW organizers are happy to help you strategize about how to discuss flexible schedule arrangements with your supervisor.…

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Harvard-HUCTW Inclement Weather Policy

Harvard-HUCTW Inclement Weather Policy

Union members sometimes have to make challenging decisions about balancing work and safety concerns when planning their commutes during inclement weather. Please read the following inclement weather policy, as well as the contract language on flexible schedules and telecommuting, to aid you in making your travel decisions this winter.…

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Working from Home: A Panel Discussion

Working from Home: A Panel Discussion

Watch the recording of our June 6 panel discussion, "Working from Home: Trends, Benefits, and Challenges of Implementing Telework." This event took place on June 6, 2017 and was open to the Harvard community. Panelists included: an academic expert from MIT, a practitioner from the US Government Accountability Office, and an IT specialist from Harvard, who shared their experiences and insights into telework.…

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