News and Events

Senior Care Services & Seminars

Senior Care Services & Seminars

This information below comes from Harvard’s HR website, HARVie. Visit that site for the most up-to-date information on Harvard’s senior care services and workshops: Harvard Senior Care Planning Program…

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Clarification for 2016 Open Enrollment

Clarification for 2016 Open Enrollment

Most Harvard employees received the University’s “2016 Benefits: Open Enrollment Guide” in the mail last week and we wanted to offer some clarifying and reassuring information about health plan offerings for next year. The health plan design for HUCTW members in 2016 will be unchanged from this year (2015).…

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Show Your Support for Negotiations

Show Your Support for Negotiations

In order to show our collective energy and concern about our health care negotiations, we have created some bold new posters with slogans that capture some of HUCTW’s core ideas in the health care arena: “Together we can build a better health plan” and “It shouldn’t hurt to pay for health care.” Please post these HUCTW health care posters and graphics around your work space and common areas to show your support for these negotiations and affordable health care for all!  â€¦

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FAQ about the 2015 Negotiations

FAQ about the 2015 Negotiations

As the 2015 Harvard-HUCTW Negotiations have passed their September 30, 2015 deadline, many members want to know what this delay means for our salary increases, our health care, and other important policies and benefits. Check out answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on the following Q&A. Please also reach out to the HUCTW office for more detailed answers to your questions, and to share ideas and concerns:, 617-661-8289. …

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2015 Negotiations Survey Report

2015 Negotiations Survey Report

Thank you to everyone who responded to our negotiations survey earlier this summer. We received 2936 responses (60% of the membership), which is a fantastic sign of the energy and commitment of our members. HUCTW leaders have been using the stories and statistics from the survey to shape and strengthen our current negotiations with Harvard. The following link is a report summarizing some of the themes, concerns, and perspectives captured in the survey.…

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Update on Negotiations

Update on Negotiations

As described in a recent update from HUCTW and in news accounts, negotiations between Union leaders and University administrators are continuing and intensifying, but have not yet resulted in a new Agreement to take effect on October 1. Union leaders have officially agreed with Harvard administrators that the expiring Agreement will remain “in full force and effect while the parties continue to engage in productive negotiations” toward a new contract. …

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Happy 27th Birthday HUCTW, 5/18/2015

In order to mark our 27th birthday, celebrate our Union’s accomplishments, and build some positive momentum for the beginning of negotiations on a new Agreement, HUCTW leaders and Organizers will…

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2015 Negotiations Survey, 4/22/2015

This short survey helps HUCTW negotiators determine what ideas and concerns should be priorities during these talks. It also provides us with crucial anonymous data about members’ work and life…

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