News and Events

Open Letter about Harvard-HUCTW Negotiations

Open Letter about Harvard-HUCTW Negotiations

As you likely saw last week, Harvard Vice President for HR, Manuel Cuevas-Trisán released a statement on behalf of University administrators regarding Harvard-HUCTW negotiations around pay increases for our 5,000 members. As the letter suggests, the parties have made good progress in some important policy areas, but remain too far apart to reach agreement yet on a pay increase program. We have had positive discussions with University leaders towards reaching an agreement in recent weeks so we were disappointed to see the University’s letter to the community on Friday. Although we had not planned on sending out an open letter, we feel the need to respond to statements made in the University's communication.…

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Negotiations Update & Activities, March 2023

Negotiations Update & Activities, March 2023

Although union negotiators have repeatedly expressed a willingness to work creatively and consider alternative approaches to address the inflation problem, management negotiators have not made a meaningful move since their last offer in January. During a difficult negotiation like this one, it is extremely important that we as HUCTW members remain strong, unified, and committed in support for our union as we fight for afair and sustainable pay program that honors our contributions to Harvard's excellence and supports a stable level of economic security for our co-workers and our families.  Please do everything that you can to participate in our campaign for a fair raise. …

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March Deadline Reminder & HUCTW Office Move

March Deadline Reminder & HUCTW Office Move

March 31, 2023 is an important deadline for three reimbursement programs open to HUCTW members: (1) Copay Reimbursement (2) Fitness Reimbursement (3) Dependent Care & Healthcare FSA Reimbursement. These programs assist members with expenses incurred during the previous (2022) calendar year. Please see more details on each program below. Also on a separate note, the HUCTW office is moving from 15 Mt Auburn St to our new address at 131 Mt Auburn St, 2nd Floor. Email is the best way to get in touch with an HUCTW organizer (either by emailing your organizer directly or writing to …

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This Week! Stand Together for Solidarity & a Fair Raise

This Week! Stand Together for Solidarity & a Fair Raise

During the week of Feb. 14, please join your fellow members for the following activities to support a fair raise for HUCTW staff and to support our worker siblings who have publicly launched their organizing campaign for a new campus union (the Harvard Academic Workers - UAW). On Tuesday (2/14), there will be no HUCTW picketing. Instead join HAW-UAW, who will be rallying in front of the John Harvard statue from 12:00 - 1:00 and in front of Countway Library from 3:00 - 4:00! On Weds and Thurs (2/15-2/16) HUCTW members and friends will be picketing for a fair raise in front of Massachusetts Hall in Harvard Yard from 12:00 - 2:00. Come anytime between 12 and 2 on Wednesday and Thursday!…

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Negotiations Update & Activities, February 2023

Negotiations Update & Activities, February 2023

As mentioned in our communication earlier in January, there has been some progress in HUCTW’s pay negotiations with Harvard, but management’s salary increase offers still do not provide strong enough inflation protection. University offers for the 2022 raise are still less than most of the average 2022 pay increases of other private or unionized employers. To reach a fair pay agreement, it is critical that HUCTW members work together to keep up creative and constructive pressure on Harvard administrators. We want to encourage members to take part in the following upcoming negotiation support activities.…

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Negotiations Update, January 2023

Negotiations Update, January 2023

Negotiators' efforts and strong HUCTW community pressure outside of the negotiating room (combined with assistance from a skilled mediator) have helped recently to move our pay negotiations in a better direction, but there is more to be done. Harvard has heavily focused on how its salary offers compare with other employers, arguing that management proposals are highly competitive. HUCTW negotiators have provided Harvard with data that we believe shows that many US employers are delivering 2022 raises above Harvard's offers. HUCTW members and leaders will need to maintain and increase constructive pressure on University administrators to reach a fair raise program.…

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Cambridge City Council Resolution Supporting HUCTW

Cambridge City Council Resolution Supporting HUCTW

In November, Cambridge City Council passed a resolution supporting HUCTW negotiations and our fight for a fair raise. The resolution was sponsored by Cambridge Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui, Councillor E. Denise Simmons, Councillor Marc C. McGovern, and Councillor Burhan Azeem and was adopted unanimously by the Council. The Council has delivered a copy of the resolution to President Lawrence Bacow and Harvard’s Director of Government & Community Relations, Tom Lucey. The full text can be viewed on the Cambridge City Council website.…

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Negotiations Update: Stand-Outs and Mediation

Negotiations Update: Stand-Outs and Mediation

Thank you to the many hundreds of HUCTW members and friends who joined their coworkers in our fight for a fair raise at four HUCTW Stand-Outs on October 26 and November 1! The events were tremendous showing of HUCTW members' strength and solidarity across the campus!  Thanks to all who took part, and special thanks to Cambridge Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui, Boston City Councilor Liz Breadon, and Cambridge City Council members Marc McGovern, Denise Simmons, Paul Toner, and Quinton Zondervan for coming out to support HUCTW members in our contract fight! …

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Stand Out to Support a Fair Contract

Stand Out to Support a Fair Contract

On October 26 & November 1, come stand together with your coworkers for a fair raise! HUCTW members work hard every day to help Harvard fulfill its mission, and yet the University’s raise proposals for members don’t keep up with the cost of living in the Boston area! Let’s stand together to let Harvard know that we need a strong contract, with raises that stay ahead of inflation! Join us at these important events! Make or download posters to bring to the events:, or grab one at the Stand-Outs! Tell Harvard what you're standing for! …

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Statement of Support Delivered to Harvard Leaders

Statement of Support Delivered to Harvard Leaders

On October 24, 2022, the HUCTW Officers and Executive Board sent the Statement of Support for a Fair Raise to 65 senior University leaders (including the deans of all 15 Harvard schools, the EVP, and other key decision-makers). The Statement was signed by more than 3,500 members of our union and more than 800 friends in Harvard the community. It was delivered to Harvard leaders along with a letter urging them to help move the University in the right direction on HUCTW salary negotiations. Check it out by clicking here.…

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