News and Events

HUCTW Contract Ratification Vote & Annual Election

HUCTW Contract Ratification Vote & Annual Election

This year’s December Election will include a Ratification vote on our new proposed Harvard-HUCTW Contract, as well as an election for HUCTW Executive Board seats and HUCTW Representative seats! Our contracts are ratified by a simple majority vote. A detailed summary of the contract, as well as a salary increase calculator, can be found on the HUCTW website. The Notice of Election mailed to Members’ homes last month; a copy may be viewed on the following page.…

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Harvard & HUCTW Reach Tentative Agreement

Harvard & HUCTW Reach Tentative Agreement

HUCTW leaders are happy to announce that Union and University negotiators have reached a tentative agreement for a new three-year contract, covering the period between October 1, 2018 and September 30, 2021. We have provided a brief summary of key aspects of the agreement below, and will send a full, detailed summary of all changes soon. Harvard and HUCTW have also released the following joint statement. There will be a ratification vote on Tuesday, December 4, 2018. A majority of the HUCTW members who participate in the vote must vote “Yes” for this tentative agreement to take effect on December 5, 2018.…

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“Support Our Negotiations” Events

“Support Our Negotiations” Events

This week (from Oct 1 - Oct 4), HUCTW will be having 12 "Support Our Negotiations" events around campus. We'll have tables set up where you can sign a statement of support for our contract negotiations, pick up HUCTW buttons, stickers, posters (and chocolate!), learn more about what's happening in the talks, and take photos. We'll be at each location from 12:00 - 1:30 and we hope you and your coworkers can drop by for 5 or 10 minutes to show your support for negotiations!…

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Contract Negotiations Update

Contract Negotiations Update

The following letter was emailed to all HUCTW members on September 24, 2018. Dear HUCTW Members, HUCTW leaders are writing today to give you an important update on our 2018…

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August HUCTW Negotiations Update

August HUCTW Negotiations Update

HUCTW negotiations with Harvard are now in their fourth month and Union negotiators want to share an update with you on how the talks are progressing and what’s on the table. In addition to the summary below, HUCTW leaders will also be holding a round of lunchtime meetings with members about negotiations where we can have deeper discussions and answer questions.…

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Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court Decision

Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court Decision

On June 27, 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 that nonmembers cannot be mandated to pay fees to their public sector unions in the case Janus v. AFSCME Council 31. The Court's ruling is a major setback for public sector unions, including those that represent healthcare workers, firefighters, public school teachers,and public university employees, among others. Although the ruling does not directly affect members of private sector unions such as HUCTW, there is reason for serious concern about its potential consequences for all working people in the U.S. in the longer term.…

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Happy 30th Birthday, HUCTW!

Happy 30th Birthday, HUCTW!

On May 17, 1988 -- 30 years ago today -- staff in Harvard’s labs, libraries, offices, and clinics voted to form the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers (HUCTW). These 3,400 members banded together in order to have a strong, collective voice in the decisions that affected their working lives. But they also recognized that their distinct contributions and talents were integral to fulfilling the University’s mission, and that by strengthening employees’ individual voices in the workplace, they were building a stronger, more vibrant Harvard.…

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Harvard-HUCTW Statement on Negotiations

Harvard-HUCTW Statement on Negotiations

Harvard and HUCTW have released the following joint statement about our 2018 contract negotiations. In the coming weeks and months, HUCTW leaders will invite union members to lunchtime meetings in…

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HUCTW 30th Anniversary Party

HUCTW 30th Anniversary Party

Let’s Celebrate! Come wish yourself a happy 30th Union anniversary! All the way back in 1988, Harvard workers voted to form HUCTW and now we, the current members, are coming…

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